Josette Simon-Gestin

We recently spoke with Josette Simon-Gestin about her background as an artist and the inner workings of her practice. This illuminating artist profile captures the warm and infectious energy that Gestin radiates through her life and art.

Looking For Directions #2 by Josette Simon-Gestin

What led you to become an artist?

As a child, I was more comfortable being alone, writing poetry, drawing, or riding my bike than being around other people.

Can you describe a typical day or routine in your studio?

I like to start with some coffee. I check the day before to ensure I have all my supplies ready. I would hate to have to run to the art store and disrupt my creative flow. The radio is on, but if asked what’s playing, I wouldn’t be able to answer. Only if it's a bad day and I am lost and not creating, can I remember the radio program!

How would you describe your artistic style?

My work is figurative but incorporates elements of abstraction. Poetry is my principal goal. I represent women and animals in a simplified style, but I still want them to be identifiable. I want the onlooker to have room to project their own personal interpretation. I view art as a step aside from the hustle of everyday life.

What materials and techniques do you prefer to work with, and why?

I am a mixed-media artist. Paper and fabric find their way into my art, along with acrylic paint, pencils, pastels, and ink.

How do you approach color and composition in your paintings?

I have a sketchbook filled with doodles. When I am in front of my canvas or sheet of paper, I borrow from different sketches to create a new image depending on my mood that day. I can’t completely follow a sketch I made in advance because I never know what is going to happen. My artwork evolves during the process; the colors and the composition can change at any time.

Is there any advice you would give to aspiring painters based on your experiences?

Be open-minded. Be curious. Be persistent. Be yourself. Find an art community that will support you when you feel low.

What themes or subjects inspire your artwork the most?

The question of identity has always been central to my work. Does it stem from having grown up in two cultures? I grew up in Brittany, France, where I learned French and English as a child. As an adult, I lived in the USA, Italy, Denmark, Austria, and China. Finding a balance between my roots, my place in a new culture, and the artists I love is what I express in my poetic work. Using maps to find directions but at the same time to find my own path is a metaphor for life.

Are there any particular artists or movements that have influenced your work?

I am influenced by the colors of Gauguin's paintings, the dreamy universe of Chagall, and the intimate world of Bonnard and Vuillard. Picasso's endless creativity, Frida Kahlo's strong images, Vermeer's delicacy, and many more have inspired me on my journey as an artist.

How do you stay motivated and engaged in your work?

I paint and create because it is only through being an artist that I can express the complexity of my feelings and thoughts about life. Every day, as I stand in front of my canvas, I look for a way to create artwork that will express my personal questions and at the same time resonate with the world.


Josette Simon-Gestin’S AVAILABLE ART


Marc Barker


reflecting on summer