Bryan Boone

Born in Oklahoma in 1980, Boone has been captivated by architecture and the landscapes of our built environment from early life. During childhood, Boone would create physical structures from materials he discovered in his setting. From bricks his father used to construct a sidewalk or rocks he found in New Mexico while visiting his grandmother, Boone had a passion for building three-dimensional structures with functional space.

For Bryan, interacting with his environment unlocks his imagination to create. He believes he would have been an architect if not for an unpleasant experience learning complex math and a lack of encouragement in school. Despite his early obstacles, Bryan's desire to create drove him to continue his artistic exploration in other forms. After high school, an opportunity to learn graphic design skills sparked a passion that evolved into self-directed learning that led him to web design, motion graphics, and UX design. While he pursued a career in design by day, he maintained a solid commitment to honing his self-taught painting skills whenever he found the time.

Today, Bryan is an established designer and contemporary artist who constantly learns from his creative process. For example, he once believed each painting needed to stand as a unique work of art. But a creative breakthrough empowered him to expand on previous designs and explore iterations and permutations that illustrated how subtle changes could affect space or the entire design structure. This innovative shift in his process inspired him to produce work that people constantly revisit and discover subtle overlooked elements of his creations.

Even though Bryan is not an architect in the traditional sense, his body of work and his deep understanding and love for blending logic, design, infrastructure, and space reflect an architectural vision. Bryan says, "even though I am working with paint, I'm creating a flattened version of something three-dimensional in my mind." It wouldn't be a surprise if Bryan one day built a striking physical structure from one of his abstract designs. To learn more about Bryan Boone and purchase his original work, please visit the Objets Trouvés website


A Natural Model for Art


An Artistic Sense of Place