“My paintings ask questions.”
I was born in Oklahoma City in 1949. I am painter, songwriter, art critic, and have been involved with making 3 films. I work in both figurative and abstract styles in painting. My goal as an artist is to fully realize my creative potential. My work represents the hybrid nature of society. This hybrid reality is as much where I live as the physical space of Oklahoma City. Growing up in Oklahoma has given me a sense of space that has a direct impact on my visual work both environmentally and politically. My research has stretch me out of the parochial into a International understanding of culture. Part of that is due my extensive travel. I have an MFA in painting. I have taught both secondary art and college. I was the director of the Artsannex which was a gallery space and school for the Oklahoma Museum of art. I curated exhibitions, hired faculty and produced plays. I was a hands on creative force the two years I was there encouraging experimental art engagement with the public. After Grad School in 1990's I was in an art residency in California where I went to neighboring towns to show slides to talk about my work. I was on the board of a non profit gallery for 30 years. I curated and hung exhibitions through my tenure there. I have shown my own work in hundreds of exhibitions since my first one man show in 1974. This includes National and regional shows in a 7 region area. I have been a full time artist since 2007. I have continued to exhibit my own work in Museum and galleries. I have continue to curate art exhibitions in local galleries.
How are your background and life experiences connected to your art?
My life is reflected in my paintings. All the good and bad relationships. The many travels, education, books I have read. It is an ongoing research called living life.
Who are some of your biggest artistic influences?
Too many to name individually. I am some what a scholar.....Late 19 century art,20th century to present day. Books, Movies and music. My engagement with culture in general.
How have you developed your artist career?
In my 50 year career in the arts I have worn many hats...I am no longer naive about the art world and I have sustained an art practice for those 50 years. I'm still growing and learning.
What does your artistic work intend to communicate to its audience?
I want to communicate a sense of beauty and mystery. I want to pose questions.
Does your work comment on any current social or political issues?
Yes in a sublime way.
Do you have a particular story that stands out from your career as an artist?
The accumulation narrative of the community of artist in Oklahoma City that interacted in way that a great novel could be written. I was a part and a leader in that quest of artistic relevance.
What is one thing you would like your audience to know about you?
I am passionate still as a 71 year old man. I'm looking for an on going dialogue with the world.
Which current art world trends are you following?
Many young painter all over the world...very exciting.
Why have you chosen to sell your work in the 1515 Lincoln Gallery?
I love the community.
As in our waking life words and images often become intermixed in my paintings. Sometimes these paintings are similar to palimpsest ...layers of old bits of images and words hiding behind the new. Each painting represents a turning point in my life. Revealing a simultaneous reflection of the present and past. Weightlessness, loss, beauty and life transitions. My paintings are metaphors of living in a hybrid reality of the seen and unseen. I attempt to expose and dissect the information is seductively repackaged and delivered to us in a variety of media. My works asks questions about appearance and meaning in Mother Culture.
Product Placement by George Oswalt
Virtual Reality by George Oswalt
“I want to communicate a sense of beauty and mystery.”

“My art ask questions about what it means to be alive.”