Vojna Bastovanovic Casteel
“It's important to me to materialize my thoughts, emotions, and subconscious into a vision of the world which is possible to share with others, and myself at a later time.
Award winning artist Vojna Bastovanovic Casteel is known for artworks with natural elements, like people and animals (usually wild tigers and lions), that show selective flashes of realism often distorted by an abstract background.
In her professional career, she has created hundreds of square meters of portrait mosaics for public spaces and large churches, so mosaic art technique has been her first love. In this centuries old technique, reality is made from patches of color and shape. So, when she creates drawings or oil paintings, the echo of this influence is still present. This allows her to view each of her works as a sum of parts.
Her work is inspired by her travels and living in different countries. Living in Serbia, and both in London and Paris for a time, gave exposure to many diverse styles of art and mediums. She lived for a while in South Africa, and observation of large wild cats there inspired their use as subjects. In 2016 Vojna moved to Texas where she is now bringing a tradition of European art to the United States.
How are your background and life experiences connected to your art?
I feel that living the first part of my life during historically troubled times in Serbia left some unresolved issues that are always a thread through my art. Because of that, I often have a tendency to run away from hard emotions and my art helps with that.
Who are some of your biggest artistic influences?
I don't consciously have direct influences, but I enjoy exploring the works of many artists such as Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec, Gauguin, Edvard Munch, Monet, Egon Schiele…
How have you developed your artist career?
Solo and group exhibitions and awards have moved my career forward, and in Europe commissions and monumental scale works advanced it as well. I always explore new mediums and enjoy experimenting with new ideas.
What does your artistic work intend to communicate to its audience?
Different works have their own messages, but I hope that when looking at my art people will be able to connect and recognize some of their own experiences.
Does your work comment on any current social or political issues?
Sometimes the works do address the social and political, but I try to focus on timeless subjects and situations because I like when the work has a feeling of permanence.
Do you have a particular story that stands out from your career as an artist?
It was fun to be able do my self-portrait within a larger work that a group of artists were creating on the outside of a famous cultural movie center in Andricgrad, Bosnia. Andricgrad is a marble covered small town that attracts many tourists each year, and built by the famous Balkan film director Kusturica.
What is one thing you would like your audience to know about you?
I enjoy reading books with psychological content, to understand the deeper motivations behind human behaviors.
Which current art world trends are you following?
Trends are sometimes short-lived so I tend not to follow them, but if pressed to pick something I would say that current architectural styles and design color palettes influence my lines and color choices.
Why have you chosen to sell your work in the 1515 Lincoln Gallery?
The energy of the gallery is great, and the management is focused and professional.
What do you believe makes 1515 Lincoln Gallery distinct from other galleries?
I like the eclectic nature of the works presented in 1515 Lincoln Gallery, and understand that will bring patrons with sophisticated and varied tastes.
Vojna's studio and inspirational working method.
My artwork is heavily influenced by the Expressionism Movement because I enjoy telling a story with emotion. Elements of nature, such as animals and people, show selective flashes of realism and are often distorted by an abstract background. Calm colors are juxtaposed with bold strokes and active subjects to create a tension that I like.
Vojna Bastovanovic Casteel at work in her studio
Conquest by Vojna Bastovanovic Casteel
“Different works have their own messages, but I hope that when looking at my art people will be able to connect and recognize some of their own experiences.”

Vojna Bastovanovic Casteel’S AVAILABLE ART
“I always explore new mediums and enjoy experimenting with new ideas.”