Conversation with Elizabeth Brown


Elizabeth Brown is a mixed media artist working with synthetic and non-traditional materials. Her work takes the form of mixed media drawings, painting, and sculptures. She is known for her biological abstraction of forms rich in surface and color.

Brown has taught in colleges and universities for 23 years. She is currently a Professor of Art at the University of Central Oklahoma since 2003. She has actively volunteered and served as an advocate of the arts in the local community. In these capacities she has served as a trustee at numerous non-profit art spaces in downtown Oklahoma City working with them on programing and fundraising.

While at Rhode Island School of Design she spent her final year in their European Honors Program in Rome, Italy with intensive study of studio art and art history. Upon completion of her coursework she received a BFA in Printmaking. She went on to complete her MFA in Fibers at Arizona State University. During her career she has exhibited in galleries and museums across the united states including; New York, Illinois, Ohio, Colorado, Texas, Florida and Arizona and in addition has exhibited internationally in Rome, Italy.


Creating community


Conversation with Elizabeth Wylie