Q&A with Chris Brizzard
Quick Q&A with Objets Trouve’s Chris Brizzard.
Q & A with Chris Brizzard
Q: What are you working on right now?
A: Figure and portrait paintings.
Q: What was your inspiration for this work?
A: The figure and portrait have always challenged artists, and they will continue to do so.
Q: Which artists have inspired your work, in general?
A: Nelson Shanks, Stephen Early, Kerry Dunn, Alex Kanevsky, Carolyn Anderson, Ann Gale
Q: When did you first know that you wanted to make art, and/or how did you start?
A: I re-started when I was in my mid-30s and then decided to study painting at Studio Incamminati, in Philadelphia.
Q: If you could choose one word to describe what it feels like when you are making art, what would it be?
A: perched
Q: Who or what inspires you right now?
A: the figure and the portrait
Q: When you think about life after COVID-19, what’s one change you hope to see in the “new normal”?
A: better infrastructure
Q: It’s a stressful, uncertain time. What do you do to relax?
A: take a walk, ride my bike, drink wine
Q: What do you like about being part of Objets Trouvé?
A: That I am able to connect with the founder, Susan McCalmont, whose portrait Nelson Shanks painted back in the 80s. Nelson Shanks founded the art school I went to, and through a fortunate set of events, my wife and I met Susan when me moved to Oklahoma last year.