Discover a creative and culinary collaboration between Objets Trouvés and the famed La Baguette Bistro. This exclusive show features a collection of original works of art by consigned contemporary artists from Oklahoma and across the globe. Objets Trouvés owner Susan McCalmont has curated each piece to stimulate your visual senses while La Baguette Bistro Chef Alain rouses your taste buds with delectable dishes.
La Baguette Bistro owner, Michel Buthion, is thrilled to welcome his customers to a rare experience where a collection of artists from a reputable gallery can share their stunning works. Objets Trouvés owner Susan McCalmont has a deep respect for Michel and Alain, their business, and their love for visual and culinary arts. “This is a special opportunity outside the norms of the regular gallery experience for patrons to enjoy culinary and visual artistic delights,” states McCalmont. Featured artists include Marc Barker, Chris Brizzard, Jon Burris, James Cobb, Mark Gilmore, Jeff Hamilton, Alyona Kostina, Paul Medina, Dragana Milovic, George Oswalt, Bryon Perdue, Nicol Ragland, Josette Simon-Gestin, Anthony Steyn, John Wolfe, Diane Coady, Vojna Bastovanovic Casteel, Noelle McAlinden, Ewa Miazek-Mioduszewska, and Peter Healy.
About La Baguette Bistro
La Baguette Bistro sits beneath the iconic thirty-foot Eiffel Tower at 7408 North May Avenue in Oklahoma City. The restaurant and bakery are open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and offer delightful baked pastries and the finest food and wine in the city.