Adam and Eve Expelled from Eden, Albrecht Durer


By Albrecht Durer

Woodcut Print

5.75 × 4.63 in

Framed: 18.75 × 15.75 x 1.63 in

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By Albrecht Durer

Woodcut Print

5.75 × 4.63 in

Framed: 18.75 × 15.75 x 1.63 in

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By Albrecht Durer

Woodcut Print

5.75 × 4.63 in

Framed: 18.75 × 15.75 x 1.63 in

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Girl Seated on Red Chair, George Segal
Album 21: One Plate Lithograph, Joan Miro
Jesus and the Woman at the Well, Amand Durand
Madame Sophie de France, J.M. (d'Apres) Nattier
Portrait of Lord Holland, William Hogarth